







As we write and play different scenarios we will publish them here. You are of course welcome to send us your scenarios for publication too. Follow the links below to read about the scenarios and their outcomes.

Scenario 1: Grab the Guerrilla  

A British patrol is sent to meet the leader of a local guerrilla group, unknown to them, a French patrol has discovered the Spaniard hiding in a farm and are keen to 'talk to him' themselves.

Scenario 2: Forward Picket

A patrol of voltigeurs is chasing some Spanish Guerrillas, little do they know that the ruined farm up ahead is occupied by  Lt Jack Blunt and his men of the 95th.

Scenario 3: The King's Shillings

A British unit is sent to retrieve a hidden cache of gold to pay the troops. The French send a patrol to intercept the British. Who will win the race to the King's Shillings?

Scenario 4: Furniture Delivery Men

Colonel Barkingside of the North Essex has despatched, the recently recovered, Lieutenant Denbeigh to bring up his furniture and personal effects from the rear. Unfortunately, for the small British force, Denbeigh's nemesis, Lieutenant Chirac and his men have spotted the slow moving wagon on the road. All hell breaks loose over a chaise longes and some Queen Anne chairs.

If you have any comments, suggestions or just want to tell us what decent chaps we are please email us

email:  Voltigeur@SOTG