About the Tudor Travellers












Welcome to the 16th century and the Tudor Travellers experience.

The Tudor Travellers are a small group of historical re-enactors with many years of experience recreating life during the reign of the Tudor dynasty 1485-1603 and the years leading up to and just after the Tudors ruled England. We specialise in bringing Tudor houses, castles, heritage sites and museums alive for the visiting public. We pride ourselves on maintaining very high standards of research and authenticity.

We usually portray life as it was for the multitude, the lower classes. We give a taste of what everyday existence was like for peasants, travelling folk, craftsmen, vagrants and wanderers during a period of continual change. An important part of these portrayals is the practising and demonstrating many traditional skills.

Sometimes we may be found interpreting the lives of those with higher status, such as the steward of a household, or even steward to King Henry, himself.

Accompanied by a wondrous selection of artefacts - some original, others replica, we are able to create a fascinating Living History environment.



Authentically styled tents can be used to create a historical encampment which will enliven the experience and give a "step back in time" feel at outdoor venues.


If your event is during the winter or you only have an indoor venue we are able to adapt your event to give the same value and level of interest. We can make our presentations fit a wide range of spaces from grand halls to small ante-chambers.


In-house school presentations are a major part of our work and are given with emphasis on National Curriculum Key Stages 1 & 2.



Whether you are looking to bring to life a stately home, enrich a day for school children or have a fascinating evening speaker, Tudor Travellers fit the bill.

